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The human body is often perceived as a unit, and it’s easy to forget that its boundaries are blurry. In reality, every breath, sip, bite and visit to the toilet connects us to nature.
Likewise, the space between the crust (the inner edge of the circle) and the top of the atmosphere, 10,000 km up in space (the outer edge) is not clearly defined. Yet, this space can be understood as an entity called the Earth System. This abstraction, drawn to scale, illustrates the beautifully complex network where air, water, land and life are intertwined as a body.
We are interconnected, one with the Earth System. All beings are part of the same whole.
Along history, the Earth System has changed states. Not so long ago was an ice age. For the last 12,000 years, it has been in a state called Holocene, where temperatures and seasons have been stable.
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